About us

Hannah Halloran - Healthy Partnerships
Hannah Halloran, healthy partnerships founder & lead
BAppSc (Speech Path), MPH, AFCHSM, Member AMWA

we are small
yet productive

Founded in 2012 by Hannah Halloran, healthy partnerships has collaborated with clients to develop over 20 government programs and initiatives, provide evaluation support to ten programs, author five evidence-based statewide models of care and support numerous health and non-profit, for-purpose organisations with long- and short-term strategy development, models of care, service redesign and targeted communications.

With Hannah at the helm of all our projects, we work to develop a deep and thorough understanding of your needs, and work with your partners and ours, to ensure the right skill and talent mix for your project.

healthy partnerships is a regional small business. We pride ourselves on our flexibility and tech-savvy, and conducted many of our projects for 2020-2023 remotely. We are based outside of a major capital city – but comfortably halfway between Sydney and Canberra. This ‘new world’ of working remotely has been business as usual for us since 2012.

creative and collaborative

Hannah is an experienced consultant and in-demand writer based on Gundungurra Country. Before founding healthy partnerships, Hannah had an accomplished career spanning clinical leadership, education and research, healthcare management and policy.

NSW Ministry of Health identified Hannah as a specialist expert in chronic conditions in 2012. She has since worked on projects spanning palliative care, aged care, neurodegenerative conditions, digital health adoption and mental health.

She is a firm believer in knowledge translation and whole of system approaches to coordinating and integrating care. A kid from the West, Hannah is a passionate advocate for rural health and equitable access for priority (previously referred to as vulnerable) populations.

Hannah is known for her creative and collaborative style, expertise in social care and health systems, inquiring approach, and the quality of her communications.

Healthy Partnerships - Healthcare Consultancy